Sunday, November 24, 2019

Greek temples essays

Greek temples essays What is art history? Art history is the study of history of the visual arts. Like history, art went though its many transitional phases. It emerged from abstract stick figures to natural and realistic pictures of people, animals, and nature. One of the greatest cultures that arose that embodied the true form of the human body in its most natural form was the Greeks. Greek art also had its transitions. It started as a geometric style, from many influences grew into a more oriental style, then arose the archaic style and the classical style and lastly the Hellenistic style. Other than the multitude of sculptors the Greeks produced they are also known for their Temples. The Greeks like other ancient cultures thought of temples as houses for the Gods. Greek temples no matter how glamorous were built in the post and lintel form like the Celtic megalithic statues Stone Hinge. The Greek temple designs it self came from the megaron plan from the Mycenaean palaces. The megaron has a great example of a portico in it. A Portico is a rectangular room with front porch. To further explain, a portico is simply a porch or a walkway with a roof supported by columns that lead to the entrance of a building. Greek temples were made in three different styles. The first and the oldest style was the Doric style. It is the name for the Dorians, who lived on the mainland. Another style was the Ionic style, which was named after the Ionians who lived on the Ionian Islands. The ionic style elegance results from taller, thinner, curvilinear elements and surface decoration. The last style was the Corinthian style which, was distinguished by it leaf design. Big difference from Greek temples was that it was made with human scale unlike Egyptian temples which were huge and overpowering. In Greece the columns in the temples were placed on the outside and formed a wall of columns separate from the naos, or the inner sanctuary. Temples with these qualities...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Practical Arbitration Issues - UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Practical Arbitration Issues - UK - Essay Example Preliminary Preparations Before the disputing parties appoint an arbitrator, one party has to provide a written request for arbitration to the respondent through an arbitration notice3. The arbitration process is assumed to begin at the point where a third party is appointed as arbitrator by agreement of the disputing parties. Having received a letter signed by two disputing parties appointing an arbitrator, it must be noted by the two parties that the arbitration process has formally begun. The parties to the dispute should be aware that the purpose of arbitration is to find a fair resolution of the contention without unnecessary expense or delay4. The parties should further be aware that they have the freedom to agree on how resolutions will be arrived at subject to the legal demands of public interest. Yet again, the parties must be aware that any court of law will not intervene in the arbitration process unless in the case of special appeal5. The arbitration process will begin by the summoning of the parties in dispute for the purpose of confirming their identity and status in relation to the matter in dispute. In order for the arbitrator to be adequately acquainted with the matter or terms of the development contract, the parties will have to submit a copy of the notice of arbitration and confirm that the process of appointing the arbitrator was valid. Furthermore, the parties will have to serve the arbitrator with the original (development) contract for inspection6. It is important that the jurisdiction of the arbitrator is clearly outlined in the early stages of the process. In this case, the arbitrator should reserve the right to rule substantively on their personal jurisdiction. Any objections that arise in respect of the arbitrator’s jurisdiction should be dealt with in line with the law as set out by the Arbitration Act7. In order for the process of arbitration to be effective, the parties must be able to hold meetings and make presentations. The parties in dispute will have to agree on the venue or seat of the arbitration8. The arbitrator, on their own judgement, may choose a seat in the event that the parties fail to agree on a particular seat9. Furthermore, it should be made clear that the statutory laws that will apply during the arbitration. In the case of residents in the UK, the Law of England and Wales may apply. Once the seat has been decided, a date should be set for the commencement of the arbitration, subject to the agreement of the relevant parties. While there are laws that will apply during the arbitration, it is important for the arbitrator to set out specific rules, in writing, that will apply in the process10. These terms and conditions will include elements related to the arbitrator’s independence, compensation, fines, and prohibition of ex parte communications of the parties with the arbitrator on the matter being arbitrated except for administrative purposes. These terms and conditions will be consented to and signed by the parties. The items in dispute will then be identified with both parties presenting their cases. At this point, any important issues related to the matter should be raised by the parties. In addition, arbitrator will identify and record the main contentious issues as well as issues that are contested to by both

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

International business finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

International business finance - Essay Example The report also explores re-domiciling of IFM Plc from France to Monaco, in which the report establishes that there is a logical point of view based on a business perspective. In addition, the report addresses the plans set put by the company in expanding into Asia (India and China) that will require about â‚ ¬250 million. Although, the expansion will deliver growth of about 5% in the next five years and is worth undertaking, it carries high risks connected to the massive investment required. The high gearing level of 88% indicates that IFM Plc is significantly exposed to financial risk. The report outlines options that the company can implement to lower its gearing level and attract funding; however, this remains uncertain owing to the interplay of factors involved. In this section, the reports explore the diverse sources of finance that IFM Plc can utilize in its expansion into Asia and the factors that impact on the sources of finance. The report analyzes and appraises prospective venture between IFM Plc and a German subsidiary (EMF Plc), re-domiciling from France to Monaco and pursuing with its expansion efforts into Asia. Indeed, such a move will make sense since the bulk of the business operations are run in Monaco; nevertheless, such a move could hurt the company’s image since it will be purely for profit and the shareholders may not welcome the idea. In the analysis, the report illuminates the operational and strategic challenges that can create costs and benefits in re-domiciling the business into Monaco. The expansion into Asia will help the company to gain access to fresh markets into India and China, especially given that India and China are high-growth countries. The joint venture represents a legal entity that takes the nature of the partnership involved in the joint undertaking of a certain transaction for mutual benefit. As such, the two enterprises jointly undertake a certain transaction for mutual profit, contribute assets and share

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Business organisations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business organisations - Assignment Example The scientific perspective may be better known, as it starts with Taylor and the foundation of the scientific methods. This paper will give an overview of the classical (management) era by discussing the scientific and administrative perspectives, the theorists behind each perspective, and the relevance of the classical management methods. Management practices may go back as far as the planning, controlling, directing, and building of the ancient pyramids (Wren and Bedeian, 2009). Starting with the late 19th and early 20th century management theorists who began their work during the Industrial Revolution, the major theorists of scientific (management) perspective believed there is one best way to do everything – and that is the most efficient way. Those theorists believed they could determine that method via whatever means they were using or purported was the best method to study the task. Those theorists of the scientific perspective discussed first are F. W. Taylor, H. L. Ga ntt, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, and Hugo Munsterberg. The Scientific Perspective Frederick W. Taylor’s philosophy led the way for many others in using scientific and mathematical methods applied to workers, attempting to match a person’s abilities to a job in the best way possible, instituting a mutual self-interest mind-set that had never existed and improving employee productivity through incentives (Locke 1982; Wren and Bedeian 2009). Crain (2003) says that Taylor was noted for his scientific approach, his ability to solve problems, and his ability to invent things. His thought was that by being observed and measured the worker increased productivity. In one example, the test subject significantly increased production while receiving more in pay. Taylor’s management philosophy is built on the manager finding the facts, conducting research, and following tradition rather than relying on guesswork and personal opinion or hearsay (Locke, 1982). Chadha (2008) be lieves that Scientific Management is a form of systems thinking integrated with a worker and the work. Taylor was best known for using a stopwatch to time the workers pace to complete a task, but he believed that money is what the workers craved and they were determined to get it. He believed that ultimately improving efficiency improved society. Hodgetts (1995) analyzed ten organizations against Taylor’s principles and found that each organization utilized the principles in some way to stay focused on their quality management strategy. (Williams 2000) Taylor’s four principles summarized are: 1. Develop a science for each part of a person’s work, replacing a rule of thumb method. 2. Scientifically pick and train employees rather than allow employees to arrive and work as they wish. 3. Cooperate with employees to ensure work is done according to scientific guidelines. 4. Divide work as equally as possible. Allow management time to oversee the work of the employee s and shoulder the responsibility of holding others accountable. Henry Laurence Gantt worked closely with F. W. Taylor. Gantt brought a human quality into the scientific side of Taylor’s work. Gantt developed a bonus pay structure for the employee who completed their piece rate work for the day and was able to complete more than the assigned tasks. With Gantt’s methods of the use of incentives for employees production was significantly increased (Wren and Bedeian 2009). Frank Gilbreth used time motion studies where Taylor used a stop watch and was using only time

Friday, November 15, 2019

Reusability of Object Oriented Interfaces in UML Diagrams

Reusability of Object Oriented Interfaces in UML Diagrams I. INTRODUCTION In recent years, computer software is the single most important technology in the world. Software developers have continually attempted to develop new technologies due to the growing importance of computer software. In these developments some of them focused on a technology domain i.e. object oriented system/programming [22]. Metrics are difficult to collect and may not really measure the intended quality measures of software. Empirical validation is must to verify the usefulness of a metric in practical applications. A. Software Engineering Software engineering started with a humble beginning and it has slowly come into existence. Now, software engineering is the best solution to the software problems. Most of the programmers/developers view the software engineering as an engineering approach to develop the software [21]. B. Software Measurement If you cant measure its not Engineering community is a common quote by the engineering community [10]. Measurement is the basis for all science and engineering. Good measurements are necessary for successful process. Software measurement is still considerably less than optimal in terms of measurement techniques and the volume and reliability of published data [2]. Software measurement plays an important role for finding the quality and reliability of software products. The measurement activities require appropriate tools to calculate relevant metric values. At present large number of metric tools are available for software measurement [1]. The main objective of this paper is to find the reusability of interfaces in object oriented programming. 2. MEASUREMENTS AND METRICS Measurement is the technology that allows the software professional to make visible progress for improving the software related factors. Measurement is not only a performance factor that leads to behavioural changes but it is used to improve the factors that are being measured [2]. It is a clear note that measurement is necessary for the software development process to be successful. A. Traditional Metrics From 1976 traditional metrics have been used in software measures for measuring the software complexity. Nowadays, a large number of software metrics has been proposed to measure effort and quality. Traditional metrics are important to measure non object oriented programs [18]. Metrics are used as a controlling method in development and to measure either the process of development or various aspects of the product [10][14][26]. Traditional metrics are used to measure the complexity of the program and comment percentage of the program. B. Object Oriented Programming and Metrics Object oriented software is a more recent and important quality software than that of the old-style procedural software/program [24]. With the wide spread object oriented technology the subject of software engineering has received much attention over the last two decades [20][25]. Object oriented design and development are very important and popular concepts in todays development environment. Object oriented design and development requires a different approach to design, implementation and to the software metrics compared to standard set of metrics. Metrics are very essential and important to measure object oriented software programming [13]. The development of software metrics for object oriented technology / programming has received more attention. A large number of metrics have been developed by researchers and numerous tools are available to help assess design quality and to collect metrics from software programs, designs, quality and maintenance etc [5][19][23][24]. Many object oriented metrics proposed in literature survey lack theoretical proof and some have not been validated. The metrics that evaluate the object oriented programming concepts are: methods, classes, coupling and cohesion. Very few metrics are presented for object oriented interfaces. In this paper, a measurement has been proposed to calculate the reusability of interfaces in object oriented programming. 3. OBJECT ORIENTED INTERFACES The concept of an interface is old. Software engineering has been using interfaces for more than 25 years. Nowadays interfaces are heavily used in all disciplines especially in object oriented programming [7]. With interface construct, object oriented programming features a good concept with high potential code reusability. Interfaces are used to organize code and provide a solid boundary between the different levels of abstraction [17] [4]. It is good to use interfaces in large type of applications because interfaces make the software/program easier to extend, modify and integrate new features. An interface is a prototype for class. With the construct of an interface java allows a concept of high potential for producing a reusable code. Interfaces in object oriented programming just contain names and signatures of methods and attributes, but no method implementations. Interfaces are implemented by classes. The inheritance hierarchy of interfaces is independent than that of class inheritance tree. Therefore object oriented languages like java gives higher potential to produce reusable code than abstract classes [15] [9] [16]. 4. REUSABILITY Reusability is always an interesting topic with shining promise. Reusable code is an effective combination 2 concept. * Properly defined interface definitions and * Efficiently defined class structure and inheritance. In this paper, the authors followed the first concept of reusability and measured the metric for interface reusability by giving a new formula. One benefit of defining interface is that every class that implements an interface must be inline with the interfaces functional requirements. Large amount of code sharing occurs within each implementation classes. Based on the class structure designed at the development time the implementation classes are organized according to their interface group type and inheritance allowed to access common logic. Reusability is an important factor for the software community people because it is the ability to reuse a number of software artefacts in terms of requirements, architecture, plans, cost estimates, designs, source code, data elements, interfaces, screens, user manuals, test plans and test cases. Software reusability is an experimental one under the impact of new tools and programming languages. The measurement of software/program and the software development process are much needed for software professionals attempting to improve their software process. Reusability of software increase productivity and quality and reduce the cost [2][3][6]. So in this paper, the reusability is measured for object oriented programming interfaces using the new formula. 5. BACK GROUND SUPPORT PROPOSED APPROACH Measurement is not just a software activity. A good measurement process is an effective method for demonstrating new tools and process improvements. An accurate measurement is a prerequisite process for all engineering disciplines and software engineering is not an exceptional one for calculating the accurate results. There is no significant work on the design of human computer interfaces. In literature, relatively little information has been published on metrics. Those metrics would provide limited insight into the quality and usability of the interface [12]. So the proposed approach is to derive a formula for calculating the reusability of interfaces accurately [23]. Deeper an interface in hierarchy leads to greater the reusability of inherited methods. When the depth of inheritance (DIT) of an interface increases the reusability of an interface also increases. So DIT of an interface has positive impact with the reusability of an interface. Reusability of interfaces are calculated by the following two ways: 1. Reusability of interfaces is calculated by using the formula: (RI) = Total No. of links to interfaces No. of interfaces. RI Total Reusability of interface diagram. 2. The reusability of interfaces in a diagram is calculated by using the formula:- Total Reusability of a diagram: RI = R (I1) + R (I2) +.R (In); R- Reusability and I1..In are Interfaces In each diagram the reusability of an interface is calculated by using the formula and all interface reusability must be added to find the total reusability of interface diagram. In both ways i.e. according to formula 1 and 2 the values are equal. This is shown in table 1, 2 and 3. 6. EMPIRICAL STUDY To validate the formula empirically three object-oriented diagrams are used to calculate the values for reusability of an interface for each diagram. Figure 1 shows object oriented design diagram shapes interfaces. Table 1 shows the values of reusability of each interface and total reusability of interfaces using the above formula. TABLE 1. REUSABILITY OF INTERFACES FOR SHAPES RI = Total Reusability of a diagram L-I = Reusability of an interface I=1 since reusability is calculated for each interface. No. of interfaces = 1. In the above table 1 RI is calculated by using the formula 1 and 2. TABLE 2. VALUES OF INTERFACE REUSABILITY 7. CONCLUSION Many simplistic metrics do not capture the importance of whatever it is that it has to measure. Many developers and software engineers are experiencing the benefits and uses of reusability in completion of the project with in the time and cost. Many other programmers and developers believe that software reuse will help in reducing cost and provide other benefits in software development. Object oriented programming software is more reusable than functionally decomposed software. Software reuse increases production and quality of software and reduces software development cost and time. Reusability is an attribute of software quality. By measuring reusability we can measure software quality. The authors have proposed a new metric to measure the reusability of interfaces in object oriented programming. As software is being developed, it is very good and important to keep an eye on the various parameters. The authors used three UML object oriented diagrams to validate the formula. Hence, this approach is an eye-opener to measure reusability of interface diagram. REFERENCES [1] Bakar N.S.A.A. Boughton .C,Using a Combination of Measurement Tools to Extract Metrics from Open Source Projects, Proceedings of Software Engineering and Applications of 2008. [2] Capers Jones, Applied Software Measurement-Global Analysis and Productivity Quality, 3rd Edition. [3] Christopher L. Brooks, Christopher G.Buell, A Tool for Automatically Gathering Object-Oriented Metrics, IEEE, 1994. [4] Dirk Riehle and Erica Dubach,Working With Java Interfaces and Classes-How to Separate Interfaces from Implementations, P.No:35-46, Published in Java Report 4, 1999 [5] El Hachemi Alikacem, Houari A. Sahraoui, Generic Metric Extraction Framework,IWSM/Metrickon, Software Measurement Conference 2006. [6] Etzkorn W.E., Hughes, Jr W.E. and Davis C.G. ,Automated reusability quality analysis of OO legacy software, Information and Software Technology, Volume 43 , Issue 5, April 2001,P.No:295-308. [7] FriedRich Steimann, Philip Mayer, Andreas MeiBner,Decoupling Classes with Inferred Interfaces , Proceedings of 2006 ACM, Symposium on Applied Computing, Pg.No:1404-1408. [8] Hector M. Olague , Letha H. Etzkorn, Senior Member, IEEE, Sampson Gholtson and Stephen Quattlebaum ,Empirical Validation of Three Software Metrics Suites to Predict Fault-Proneness of Object-Oriented Classes Developed Using Highly Iterative or Agile Software Development Processes,IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 33,No.6,June 2007. [9] ISRD GROUP,Introduction to Object Oriented Programming through JAVA,TATA Mc Graw Hill, Pg.No:109. [10] Ivar Jacobson, Magnus Christerson, Patrick Johnson, Gunnar OverGarrd,Object Oriented Software Engineering-A Use Case Driven Approach, P.NO:468, Pearson Education @ 2001. [11] Ken Pugh, Object Oriented Design, Chapter 5, Inheritance and Interfaces, The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC, 2005. [12] Khan R.A., K.Mustafa And S.A.Ahson, Software Quality Concepts And Practices, P.No:140. [13] Linda H. Rosenberg,Applying and Interpreting Object Oriented Metrics, Presented at the Software Technology Conference, Utah, April 1998. [14] Madumathi I. B.Palaniappan,A Tool for Extracting Object Oriented Metrics,International Journal of Computing and Applications ,2007. [15] Markus Mohenen, Interfaces with Default Implementations in Java, Aachen University of Technology. [16] Markus Mohnen,Interfaces with Default Implementations in Java,Technical Report, RWTH Aachen,April 2002. [17] Matthew Cochran,Coding Better: Using Classes Vs. Interfaces, January 18th, 2009. [18] Nachiappan Nagappan, Thomas Ball and Andreas Zeller, Mining Metrics to Predict Component Failures, Verification and Measurement Group , Microsoft Research, 2005, Redmond, Washington. [19] Neville I. Churcher, Martin J. Sheppered, ACM Software Engineering Notes, Vol.20, Issue 2, P.No:69-75, April 1995. [20] Pradeep Kumar Bhatia, Rajbeer Mann, An Approach to Measure Software Reusability of OO Design , Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Challenges Opportunities in Information Technology,COIT-2008,RIMT-IET,March 29,2008. [21] Rajib Mall ,Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Chapter 1, Pg.No:1-18,2nd Edition, April 2004. [22] Roger S. Pressman,Software Engineering a Practitioners Approach, 6th Edition. [23] Rudiger Lincke, Jonas Lundberg and Welf Lowe,Comparing Software Metrics tools,ISSTA 08,July 20-24,2008. [24] Santonu Sarkar, Member, IEEE, Avinash C. Kak, and Girish Maskeri Rama, Metrics for Measuring the Quality of Modularization of Large-Scale Object-Oriented Software, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 5, Sep-Oct 2008. [25] Terry .C. and Dikel .D.,Reuse Library Standards Aid Users in Setting up Organizational Reuse Programs,Embedded System Programming Product News,1996. [26] Victor Laing and Charles Coleman,Principal Components of Orthoganal Object-Oriented Metrics, Nov.20th 2008,

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Comedy of Errors, Adrianna/ marriage Essay -- essays research papers

Marriage: What Can you Posses?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Within the very beginning of the story we see that the characters are placed into a society of which there is seemingly very little value in a persons humanity and kindness, but rather the society into which we first enter is seen as almost materialistic, and even though Egeon, has lost a wife and son, the Duke of Ephesus is only concerned with the money from which he can extract from Egeon. We see here that in order for Egeon to keep his marriage alive he has to pay for his life and so we begin to see the trend of what one can posses in a marriage, instead of love and respect.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We see this act of possessions come through most clearly in the relationship of Adriana and Antipholus of Ephesus. We see that Adriana is jealous of her husbands freedoms when she knows that he married her only because of her wealth, a fact we find out later on in the play, but as she states, â€Å"Why should their liberty than ours be more?† (II,10). When Luciana states to her sister, â€Å"because their business is out of doors† that only serves to infuriate Adriana even more and retorts that Luciana speaks without experience and that once she is married, she will have a different point of view. As they debate, Dromio of Ephesus returns and reports the bizarre behavior of his master saying that Antipholus is mad and will talk of nothing but his gold. Furious, Adriana is thinking that yes her husband married her for her...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Do Schools Kill Creativity Essay

When we were children growing up our imaginations run wild. As we would play on the playground, building friendships, and solve problems that show us things in a different way. Even though everybody talents are pushed away others believe that the public education system is wrong. I was told to summarize the video on â€Å"Do Schools Kill Creativity† by Sir Ken Robinson. As he talks in the video I do agree with some of the ideas. In the video â€Å"Do Schools Kill Creativity† by Sir Ken Robinson, he mentions how the public education system are crushing the children’s talents. He also mentions how classes are being cut such as drama and music. Due to those classes, are not that important, such as your typical math and English classes. Having creativity in are education system helps are children become who they are as an adult. I agree that math and English classes are more important, but I don’t agree we should just cut everything else out. Are children need to be able to express themselves in other activities. Not all children are the best in school, but giving them the other activities will help them let steam off, keep them active and enjoy going to school. Not all talents are being famous in something, but people are talented in their major subjects such as English, math, history, etc. As Robinson states in the video that a simple college degree is not worth much anymore. Jobs are wanting future and current employees to go back to a university to get a higher degree; such as university philosophers. Jobs are wanting to see how far employees will go into school. Before the 1900’s we barely had an education system, but our whole system has been dictating since the system has adapted. Our education is unpredictable on what to  expect. I agree that our education is not worth as much like it used to be when, it had just begun. Having more education is pushing us to reach a higher goal. It may take longer, but its helping us to become a better person for the future. It also prepared us for what is to come. Things are changing more and more every month it never stays the same. Look at this example: Pluto use to be a planet now Pluto is just nearly a star. How do you explain this? In the talk â€Å"Do Schools Kill Creativity† Robinson says â€Å"if your never wrong you will never come up with anything original, if your not prepared to be wrong.† (Robinson, 2007) Our kids now are even more exquisite then when we were kids, we use to tell our kids not to draw and to go to school to learn. Now we are telling them to push harder to achieve their goals and get an education. I do agree our kids are being pushed harder, but its showing how creative they can be. In the end this is going to help them become something. Telling kids that you’re going to take out drama and music, is only going to make them stop trying. Our kids should be pushed more now than ever with the harder curriculum in the public schools. Also letting the kids have more creativity in certain classes like drama and music, which may be where the children show most of their creativity and talents. These kids have so much competition for what their learning and making of themselves. As Sir Ken Robinson has made a lot of great points on creativity, education, and children talents, our education level is higher than it has ever been. I do believe our education is more important when dealing with core classes such as math and English, but you shouldn’t punish the kids and take out their time to be creative and show their talent. So what if these kids are pushed a little harder in the education system they may see who they will become in the future. Are education system is dictating the knowledge of the students and are wrong for taking the creative classes out of the schools. References Robinson Sir, Ken: Do Schools Kill Creativity (Jan. 6, 2007) Retrieved: July 15, 2014

Friday, November 8, 2019

Rise of Superpowers After WWII Essays - Nuclear Technology

Rise of Superpowers After WWII Essays - Nuclear Technology The development and use of nuclear power has led to the United States assuming a position as the true World Military Superpower. The Unites States was the leader in planning, building, testing and actually using the most powerful nuclear weapon known to man. This country also led the world in relatively safe production of nuclear power. The only other competitor to the United States, the Soviet Union, had poor leaders, induced a poor economy, and eventually led the country to lose the race for superpower. During World War II, the United States began the research and development of the atomic bomb. Code-named the Manhattan Project, it took place in a government built city in New Mexico called Los Alamos. General Leslie Groves and physicist Robert Oppenheimer led the research to create this atomic bomb. The mission was to build, test and, if necessary, unleash an atomic bomb. With the many people working on creating and building this bomb, they completed it within the short amount of time given. In July of 1945, they tested the nuclear bomb in New Mexico. It was a success. The very next month, an atomic bomb nicknamed ?Little Boy? was dropped on Hiroshima. Only a few days later, the atomic bomb ?Fat Man? was dropped on Nagasaki. It was around this time that the United States found out that nobody, not even Germany or the Soviet Union, was anywhere close to competing with the U.S. in atomic weaponry. The atomic bomb was dropped not only to end the war with the Japanese, but to show the w orld, especially the Soviet Union, how powerful the United States was in its government, its military, its technology, and its people. The fact that it was a new bomb and being the first type of its kind ever created also caused an eagerness to use the bomb and see how it would work. These three factors are the reasons behind the United States dropping the atomic bomb on Japan, as they unknowingly and unintentionally began the nuclear age and the Cold War. The Cold War began as World War II was ending. The United States and the Soviet Union came out of the previous war nearly equal in strength, with the United States having the upper hand, being the first to create and use such intense nuclear power. It was during this time that these countries were competing to become the World Superpower. Nuclear power, for the purposes of electricity as well as weaponry, was going to be the determining factor as to who would be the greater Superpower. The United States leadership was strong and organized. The economy was good and growing stronger. The Soviet Union was not doing as well. Formerly being under the rule of Stalin, with strict centralization where it was only the highest party levels that made any and all decisions who ruled by decree and enforced with terror, the Soviet people and economy was stagnating. Strict centralization continued and eventually led to economic decline, inefficiency, and apathy during the 1970s and 1980s, and contr ibuted to the Chernobyl? nuclear disaster. The great disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986 was the final string cut that led not only to the Soviet Union losing its war to become the greatest World Superpower, but furthermore, the collapse of the Soviet system. The Chernobyl Nuclear Powerplant was being run by people who made mistakes maintaining the power supply, who were tired of their own country, and who simply didn?t care. This careless conduct led to poor maintenance and low output of nuclear power. To correct for this, some steps were taken to increase the power output. During the effort to correct the low power output, one final error occurred, and the consequences were tremendous. One of the reactors exploded and released huge doses of radiation. The ambitious nuclear power program of the Soviet Union was now over. The Unites States led the world in nuclear technology by producing the atomic bomb, and had the courage to use it ? twice. This proved to the world that the United States was a Superpower they should fear. The United States also had good leaders whom kept the economy strong, and kept the

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Advertisement involves communication to a target market Essay Example

Advertisement involves communication to a target market Essay Example Advertisement involves communication to a target market Essay Advertisement involves communication to a target market Essay Advertisement involves communication to a target market. The intension is to attract the target market, primarily to the advertisement, then ether to the product, or the through the context of the advertisement to the product. Their intension is to pursued through the point of contact between commercial interests and the audience as consumers of products and services. Although it is important to remember that that there are constrains to advertising, for example certain products and services may not be advertised religions and doctors and fortune tellers, cigarettes and other tobacco products. Alcohol may not be glamorised for youth audiences. The National Lottery, slimming products and alcohol products may not be advertised around childrens programmes. The advertising of womens sanitary products is not permitted until after 9.00 p.m. Although small aspects, rules like these ethical constrains appear obvious. Using them as an example it is easy to see the ever-changing environments that advertisers have to navigate. Advertising is directed at mass audiences, so to be tasteful and descent appropriate in any work done. Advertising is very similar to television, and other programmes; * Comes out of the same production base, technologies and production practices. * Has the same basic narrative structures, but compressed. * Uses genre material as a point of recognition and attraction for the audience * Makes interstitial references to other television material * Uses television performers (and their voices) whom we know from other programmes. * Creates its own stars and popular series. General, and obvious key areas adverts want to achieve: (*The connotation strategic methods) * Persuasion An advert communicates, and attempts to win over the audience. *Persuasion:- It is illegal and sinful to use subliminal messaging * Justification The above persuasion would not be possible with out justification Advertisers use special tools in there advertisements to avoid problems such as ethical complaints, taste and decency ect (above). Tabaco companies such as Marlboro use hidden and covert messaging to avoid such regulations. Fear and emotion are the main aspects advertisers try to tap. In this tool box aspects such as the following help towards a direct approach at communicating with audiences;- Surrealism/ inversion *See Orange mobile phone advertisement (*currently showing 11/04/02). There is a man who is on his way somewhere (not specified) and keeps meeting people he knows. The orange phrase is; connecting people; the man must represent the (advert directed) orange philosophy, demonstrated as lots of people waving, saying hello, where he replies. This approach is very surreal, this man appears to know every person he walks by, but is conducted in a very natural manor, expressing an un-real environment. In an attempt to express the communication aspects of him, appealing to feelings such as recognition, social achievement ect. Endorsement This comes in the form of celebrities, or presenters appealing to audiences emotions involved in a range of representations. I.e. health, social direction, lifestyle, point of sale ect. A good example of popular endorsement would be the use of sporting personalities to endorse products. *See Nestle Sporties, this commercial used Mike Own a well-known footballer to been seen eating the product. This would entice fans of this player to eat the breakfast cereal he does. Endorsement around the identity of the product, can be seen with release of Lucozade Sport, where the product endorses the Sport image, inventing slogans and ideas, such as energy replenishment, leading to express a statistic stating 33% more energy from lucazade than standard pop drinks (I think it must be packed with more sugar than the other drinks). Concern of Compassion This strategy is used widely in the cosmetics industry. Where the common form of advertisement is to use and portray perfect models, or perfect beauty to express youthfulness. Or in charity advertisements of i.e. third world countries or RSPCA adverts, where an audience have concern and compassion over an example of poor, or needful persons. From what small donations would make large differences. Concern of compassion on a more overt level can be seen in such advertisements for cleaning adverts. I.e. The advert demonstrates to the mother that she should clean the kitchen surfaces to stop germs breading. Depictions of the child playing on the floor, with reassured looks demonstrate to audience that this is the right way to clean, and she uses Flash to do it with, the right choice of cleaning product. Politics: This can benefit and obstruct advertisers. Obviously advertisers need to work in the conjunction of rules and regulations, but can also feed off any political headlines at that time. With out reference; politics can benefit an advert on many levels. Whether that would be from such things as tax, or political issues ect. (i.e. foot and mouth, tourism industries). Physical techniques: Repetition; is used to remind audiences of the advert/ product, service. Steady repetition is used regularly in advertisement Advertising relies just as much on visual appearance as the overt connotations; (*denotation) Content of the advertisement: Strategies Companies develop strategies to assist them in meeting their objectives. The types of strategy which might be identified in terms of advertising could include: * Identifying the benefit being offered to the consumer by the organisation or its products/ services. * Putting forward an argument to help to sell the product * Identifying to whom the argument is being aimed * Being able to convince the target audience to believe the message Product-Oriented Strategies These strategies relate specifically to the product itself, i.e.: * Generic strategies Sell the category of product, e.g. slimming drinks, toilet roll, trainers. They do not sell the actual brand, e.g. Heinz Baked Beans. Generic clams relate to the highlighting of a particular benefit of a product, i.e. quick effective relief from indigestion, clean Wights etc. Some advertisers highlight this kind of generic claim and then relate their particular brand to that claim to gain a cumulative benefit. * Features of the product Highlighted in an attempt to appeal to the individuals reason. The advertiser attempts to suggest that the logical choice would be their particular brand in preference to others. This is an effective approach if the advertiser is attempting to gain distinction for his or her brand. * Positioning Strategies This strategy attempts to carve out a desired and very distinct market niche. The idea of positioning was developed by Trout Ries. Consumers tend to place products into a hierarchy, and the positioning is about where in that hierarchy the advertisers brand appears. Coca Colas campaigns Coke is it and the real thing were an attempt to position the product as the authentic cola drink. Pepsi on the other hand attempted to reposition Coke Cola by suggesting that it was a drink for older people, with the campaign The choice of a new generation. This type of strategy works well for new products. Questions that need to be addressed in terms of positioning are: * What the brands present position in the market? * Where are your competitors placed in the market? * Does the company wish to reposition its present position in some way? * What type of advertising approach could we use? * USP The unique selling proposition will depend upon the culture of the company and its approach to advertising. Every companys ultimate aim is to create an idea, which will result in the sale of the companys product/ service. The USP was a philosophy developed by Rosser Reeves. It suggests that every product/ service has characteristics that make it unique at its level. Preferably, these characteristics should be a major feature of the product, thereby making the brand superior to others. A slogan like Guinness is good for you is a unique-selling-proposition statement. A unique selling proposition based on a physical characteristic limits potential, however, and could run into difficulty with strict advertising codes that now exist. The claim by Persil that it washes wighter is an example of such a proposition. All advertisements should, nevertheless, promote one specific benefit to the consumer. Consumer-Oriented Strategies These strategies are aimed at the consumer: * Brand image strategies These strategies attempt to give the brand a personality, and that personality- instead of any built-in or intrinsic features of the product is what is being sold. David Ogilvy is credited with developing the idea of a brand image in the 1950s for products like Schweppes. With Coca Cola and Pepsi we have two similar products which are differentiated by the way each brand is portrayed and communicated through advertising. This approach works well in a competitive market environment or where the product might be classed as a commodity, i.e. soap, beer etc. This type of advertising also works well for products which have obviouse social identities, i.e. cars. Products which are invisible, i.e. cleaning products or food products stored in cupboards, are also sold by using the brand image approach.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Standard Chartered marketing communication strategy and competitive Lab Report

Standard Chartered marketing communication strategy and competitive position - Lab Report Example According to the research findings Standard Chartered discovered marketing as the group expanded its operations from local perspective to a global perspective across diverse-cultural set of markets, Asia, Africa and Middle East for onstance. The bank admits the fact that it serves multiple geographies, different people with diverse values and significant cultures. This has enabled standard chartered to develop a strategy that focus on understanding of its markets’ core values to offer distinguished products and services to consumers with respect to their local requirements. The bank claims that it has developed a ‘consistent marketing strategy’ through constancy of efforts, stanch commitment to miscellaneous values and cultures and focused on relationships with local customers across the target markets. Standard chartered asserts that the bank has an unambiguous straight forward strategy that revolves around the market and consumers it serves. It has classified it s marketing strategy on two major areas: standard chartered for consumers and standard chartered as the corporate brand. Amongst consumers there are two set of markets: the individual consumers, who consume bank services for themselves; and second set is of business/commercial consumers, who utilize bank services for commercial purposes. Standard chartered has developed wholesale banking for commercial consumers’ category and consumer banking for individual consumers’ category. Marketing is an ever changing and sprouting discipline of businesses; companies always have a room for development and advancement. (Vanhuele and Wright, 2008). The bank has to broaden the base of its marketing communication strategy to effectively converse the different marketing messages, to different set of consumers it serves, in the most appropriate manner which could influence the target audience and trigger the desired response out of each target group. There are three marketing strategie s that fit Standard Chartered intent to serve the market: push, pull and profile strategies. The bank has to adopt these strategies as each meets a separate objective using a separate approach, thus, supporting the overall mission. Push strategy requires the bank to direct marketing activities to propel the products to consumers. It is more a selling concept, supports the sale organization of the bank and helps them design sales programs over push strategy (Kotler, 2009). It requires the bank to encourage and motivate the consumer, direct selling and negotiating with the prospects, emphasize point of sale promotions and advertisements, and performing other promotional activities to forcefully throw the banks’ offers and services to the consumer. It is appropriate for standard chartered as the retail banking structure in its target market: Asia, Africa and Middle East enable the bank to push its offers to consumers. Products/Services Push Consumers Pull strategy involves the b ank to design marketing activities in a manner that would fetch the consumers to the products and services themselves by enhancing their visibility (Kotler, 2009). It is more a branding concept for it supports the organization to design more customer-driven marketing programs that would develop strong bank-consumer rapport which is the ultimate objective of Standard chartered bank. It requires the bank to establish consumer associations with the bank through mass communication programs, mass-advertising campaigns, sales incentives and buzz marketing campaigns to create word of mouth influence. Pull strategy supports standard chartered ideology of understanding local consumers and markets, and their respective cultures, consequently, its attractive for effective communication strategy. Products/Services Pull Consumers Finally, the third marketing strategy which encompasses a broader marketing perspective is profile strategy. This strategy reveals the corporate reputation of an organi zation. It has deep orientation in corporate branding which identifies what an organization is

Friday, November 1, 2019

Company report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Company report - Essay Example From manufacturing and installation of modern orbit presses till the repair, maintenance and troubleshooting of the presses as well. The Sizer is the innovation body of pellet manufacturing presses. The pellet manufacturing operations of the Sizer Ltd is competing with rivals, where the challenges are more enough to survive in industry. 1. Remit The boundary of this study is confined under management and financial factors to analyze. We will initially focus on the factors of SWOT analysis of the Sizer Ltd and the industrial factors facing by the firm. The Sizer Ltd dealing with two dimensions, first consists on the pellet manufacturing and supplying operations where the number of competitors are large whereas the Sizer is facilitating in three different large markets of the world. Next operation of this firm based on the engineering and technical support division, which provides the pellets manufacturing presses. In pellets presses industry, the Sizer is the global leader which innov ate this technology in mid-nineties. 2. Background of Sizer Ltd History of Sizer Ltd consists on the combination of engineering innovation as well as the quality manufacturing of pellets. A British pioneer engineer established Sizer Ltd in 1899 in Hull, England. The first ever pallet manufacturing press was designed by the Albert Sizer, son of Sizer’s founder with the name and style of Cuber. ... The basic robust designs rapidly improve to meet the market requirements of quality efficiency and the cost effectiveness and become the familiar Orbit Pellet Press. Simultaneously, Sizer providing the wide range of pallet presses and the spare parts with technical supports which includes the maintenance and installation of presses. The most selling press of Sizer, Orbit presses is the most efficient more for manufacturing of pallets, the main characteristics of Orbit is easy for installation and adaptable for bespoke applications. This use in diverse industries like manufacturing of animal feed, charcoal briquetting, biomass, malting and flour millings. It has capacity from 200kg / hour to 10000kg / hour range availability which depends on material and type of manufacturing. Year 2008, the industry of pellet producing was sacrificing for the impacts of recession, which shows in Figure 2 that lower quantity of pellet manufacturing stoves sold and installed whereas, only boilers sold out by the Sizer because of barrier of new entry in industry but the only capacity enhancement through the boilers. (See Figure 2) 3. Method and Tool of Analysis We choose the SWOT as best analysis tool to identify the strength, weaknesses, threads and weaknesses of Sizer Ltd and the competitors as well. SWOT Analysis is the more frequently and easily understandable tool to identify the international factors of the firms which exhibit all the internal and external factors to understand the current position of the firm and the market or industry, furthermore, it helps to create the strategies of future to more stabilize the firm and achieve the organizational goals by capturing the